Selasa, 29 Desember 2020

Aplikasi dan Sistem Informasi Versi EA 2019

Versi Enterprise Architecture 2017-2019

Ditjen Risbang
Aplikasi Hibah Penulisan Buku Ajar
Aplikasi Insentif Buku Ajar Terbit
Aplikasi SIMAK BMN
Akreditasi Jurnal Online (Arjuna)
Bantuan Seminar Luar Negeri (BSLN)
Bantuan Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah (BTBI)
Online Foreign Research Permit Application
SI Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (Simlitabmas)
SI Dokumentasi Riset dan Pengembangan
Website Risbang

Ditjen Inovasi
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Minggu, 20 Desember 2020

Memahami Artificial Intelligence

In the Age of AI (full film) | FRONTLINE

AI untuk seniman
How Far is Too Far? | The Age of A.I.

AI untuk kesehatan, toko, 
Artificial intelligence & algorithms: pros & cons | DW Documentary (AI documentary)
Sub title Indonesia

Kuka Robotic, kaki buatan, fake news, drone, dji, DIDI, Ideen-Expo
How artificial intelligence is changing our society | DW Documentary
Sub title Indonesia

Artificial Intelligence Full Course | Artificial Intelligence Tutorial for Beginners | Edureka


Kamis, 10 Desember 2020

Cluster CBT

 Cluster DIKBUD CBT UKOM : 3 host dan 38 VM
1. App-osce-ukmppd-103.202 -> belum
2. app-rol-ukmppg-103.2 -> belum
3. App-Ukom-Iba-101.154-204.10
4. app-ukom1
5. app-ukom2
6. app-ukom3
7. backup-db-sync-ukom-cbt
8. clone-zabbix-cbt
9. DB-osce-ukmppd-103.206 -> belum
10. db-rol-ukmppg-103.6 -> belum
11. db-sync-ukom-cbt-ppg-102.126 -> belum
12. db-syncs-ukom-cbt-101.150
13. db1-ppg-cbt-102.226 -> belum
14. db10-ukom-cbt-102.222
15. db10-ukom-cbt-ppg-102.130 -> belum
16. db4-ukom-atd-101.218
17. db6-ukom-cbt-102.142
18. db7-ukom-cbt-102.134
19. db8-ukom-cbt-102.146
20. db9-ukom-cbt-102.218
21. db9-ukom-cbt-ppg-102.138 -> belum
22. idpa-proxy04 -> bukan CBT
23. idpa-proxy05 -> bukan CBT
24. ukom-atd-app1-101.222
25. ukom-cbt-app10-102.214
26. ukom-cbt-app3-101.142-204.7
27. ukom-cbt-app5-101.242
28. ukom-cbt-app6-101.246
29. ukom-cbt-app7-101.250
30. ukom-cbt-app8-101.254
31. ukom-cbt-app9-102.210
33. ukom-cbt-LB-101.130-204.5
34. ukom-cbt-ppg-app1-102.230 -> belum
35. ukom-cbt-ppg-app10-101.134 -> belum
36. ukom-cbt-ppg-app9-101.138 -> belum
37. ukom-ukmppd-app2-101.166-204.166/30 -> belum
38. zabix-CBT-101.146-204.9

Minggu, 06 Desember 2020

Dunia Baru, Pranata Komputer


Payung hukum

  1. Permenpan 66 tahun 2003 Jabatan Fungsional Pranata Komputer dan angka kreditnya (sudah tidak berlaku dan diganti Permenpanrb 32/2020 ?)
  2. Perka BPS dan Ka BKN Nomor 4 tahun 2004 tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Jabatan Fungsional Pranata Komputer dan Angka Kreditnya
  3. Perka BPS Nomor 286 Tahun 2004 tentang Petunjuk Teknis Penilaian Angka Kredit Pranata Komputer (sudah tidak berlaku dan diganti Perka BPS Nomor 16 Tahun 2008)
  4. Perka BPS Nomor 16 tahun 2008 tentang Petunjuk Teknis Penilaian Angka Kredit Pranata Komputer
  5. Perpres Nomor 9 Tahun 2017 tentang Tunjangan Jabatan Fungsional Pranata komputer
  6. Permenpanrb Nomor 32 Tahun 2020 tentang Jabatan Fungsional Pranata Komputer

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Sabtu, 05 Desember 2020

14 Open Source and Managed API Gateway for Modern Applications

Let’s discuss what API Gateway is, why it is essential to have one, and how it can better manage APIs. We will also explore and list some of the best open-source and manged API gateways available in the market.

What is API Gateway?

An API gateway is an important concept in microservices architecture. It forms an entry point for external clients(anything that is not part of the microservice system). It is a component that acts as an entry point for an application.

In other words, an API gateway is an API management server that has information about endpoints. It is also capable of performing authentication, rate limiting, load balancing, and more.
To get a better picture of an API gateway, we need to know why it is essential to have an API gateway.

Why We Need API Gateway?

To understand the need for an API gateway, let’s discuss a use case of an e-commerce application.
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Jumat, 04 Desember 2020

Integrasi Sistem Informasi

Tata Kelola Aplikasi
  1. Kebijakan, global vs parsial per aplikasi
  2. Integrasi aplikasi : 269 sub domain di DNS Server
  3. API Gateway : WSO2 vs KONG.
  4. SQL/Database : PostgreSQL, MySQL, NoSQL (tidak untuk transaksional), MongoDB, MariaDB
  5. SSO, primary key nya apa
  6. Repositori untuk source code : GitHub, GitLab, 
  7. Dokumentasi : panduan/manual, struktur data/kamus data, SOP/proses bisnis
  8. VM
  9. Struktur organisasi
  10. Jumlah SDM dan sebarannya
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VM di Sentul dan Thamrin

Per 4 Desember 2020

DC Sentul
Host : 18 (tidak termasuk 3 blade SINTA yg menggunakan proxmox)
VM : 203
Cluster : 6
CPU : 1,49 THz (terpakai 10,4 GHz)
Memory : 2,55 TB (terpakai 984,24 GB)
Storage : 258,63 TB (terpakai 92,51 TB)

DC Thamrin
Host : 20
VM : 90
Cluster : 5
CPU : 1,59 THz (terpakai 6,5 GHz)
Memory : 2,71 TB (terpakai 596,23 GB)
Storage : 95,13 TB (terpakai 41,34 TB)

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